Saturday, February 13, 2010

My Weekend (i.e. Reasons why the world is an awesome place)

1. Arguments with best friends over what to have for dinner at midnight, culminating in a mop fight

2. Outwardly gay comedians using the phrase 'Flop out yer Poon!'

3. Using the Front of a Stage as a Coaster

4. Adam Hills being Polite enough to pause his show and let us take a 'Bon Jovi' Photo

5. Witnessing the 'Sombrero-Bumbag' Fashion Combination in Coles

6. Making Retarded Cupcakes

7. Awkwardly named Drama Games like 'Passing the Clap' (yes, Chlamydia Euphemisms... Very intellectual)

8. An in depth discussion of how the Parrot Sketch from Monty Python could be used as a Tragic Monologue

Makes you feel good to be alive

Friday, February 5, 2010

An Experiment in Faithfulness...

Today I find myself in more or less of a compromising situation...

After all, by starting this new blog, people might assume this is my first blog and that I am in fact a blogging virgin who is new and unexperienced to this brave new world of publicly and electronically shared ramblings...

This would be wrong.

I am *as embarassing as it is to admit* quite the opposite. I'm not just an unfaithful blogger, but a blogging whore, having written several blogs only to tire of them quickly or run out of things to say about my life.

Starting this new blog scares the pants off of me, but I'm looking at this new blogging adventure as necessary, as the last blog I tried did not conceal my identity very cleverly and sadly I happened to have some very strong opinions about Edward Cullen (as I remember... things of the sparkly-pale-fuckwit variety were said) and having people know my identity forced me to realise that I perhaps wasn't so safe after all from thirteen year old girls weilding rather heavy hardback copies of Twilight that were not only made by Stephanie Meyer with the intention to impress small minded females, but also to harm me in the face. Thank you Miss Meyer.

This experience opened my eyes to the idea that maybe not EVERYONE happens to agree with everything I say. And to save myself from further assassination attempts by the various people I tend to aggravate, I'm now relishing my newfound pseudonym.

I'd also like to clarify that the name 'Smaller than Jesus' does not:
  1. Mean I'm a bible thumping maniac with the intention to 'SAVE' you or your oh-so-dear ones (I'm agnostic)
  2. Mean that I am having an electronically-literary stab at the bloke... he has after all not done anything to me to incur such softcore revenge.
It simply means that I am just not very cool, popular, influential or particularly clever... and much like John Lennon, I consider Jesus/The Beatles an acceptable contrast to just how great I am.

Anyway, I'm not entirely sure what I expect from my new blogging endevour, but hopefully it will be an experience for both you and me.

Yours lovingly,

Miss Anne