Saturday, March 6, 2010

Ways to Look like an Idiot on the Internet #1

How would you like to make a complete arse of yourself on the internet on your very own blog?

(Boy, would I!)

It's very simple, all you need to do is NOT post for nearly an entire month after promising an attempt at semi regular posting!

Thankfully I don't have an intensely close-knit group of followers hungry for my blood and I've been able to get around to this apology in my own time rather than being harrassed for it (which although is a nice thought, harrassment on some basis would constitute as some form of attention being paid to my writing, which would result in my endless joy... But ulktimately, the bottom line is please don't harrass me... which shouldn't be too hard, you're already SO good at it)

When I try to think of reasons why I have neglected to say anything for three weeks, there is wide range of varying excuses that I could draw like a pistol in some form of Clint-Eastwood-like showdown, here are some favourites of mine:

1. I was deconstructing Dracula for an urgent assignment

2. I was also very very ill for a few days (out of three weeks, I'd say six days)

3. AC/DC were in town and this had a very unsettling effect on me like a man bitten by a werewolf to the full moon. Except instead of turning into a raging, hairy, dog like freak of nature... I became all of those things wearing a flannelette shirt (see: Bogan), which greatly impacted my ability to write

Thankfully I'm over that now.

4. I endured a break-up on Valentines Day. I'm not hurt in any way and it wasn't him, it was me. However according to the law of Beyonce, it means I have been 'putting my hands up' an awful lot lately, to no avail, not that I want one, I'm very happy being single** and I hope my now-ex is as well.

5. I've generally been so outraged with Tony Abbott that its been diffuclt to find things to blog about that aren't 'How about you mind YOUR OWN virginity Abbott?!' (and several, much ruder words of justified hatred towards the man).

Anyway, I can now go a few more days/weeks/years neglecting this blog like an unwanted child without too much guilt. I hope you're smashingly well and you sleep a little easier if you're reading my little blog, and if you're not, you're probably a communist.

Bye bye

**Until the very fetching Hamish Blake rides up on his magical steed and whisks me away to Melbourne where we'll live happily ever after with dual radio careers, our very own columns in the newspaper and all the tea we could possibly drink (sigh)

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